Continuous quality management and customer-oriented corporate spirit
A true company that leads to a rich future for all of its customers
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- Company
- Words of Thanks
Words of Thanks
With constant quality management and customer-oriented corporate spirit...
Steel is now one of the friendliest materials in everyday life in the midst of a sudden global economic environment.
In addition, the steel industry is shedding light on the future by weaving the past and
present of human civilization across all industries, from small needles to large oil tankers.
Along with this steel industry, I&Steel Co., Ltd. continues to strive to improve our quality of
life through constant change and innovation today.
It is a specialized producer of cold-rolled special horse steel that meets customer needs, competitive prices,
and thorough quality management We are taking the lead in thinking customer-oriented management.
I&Steel Co., Ltd. is a true company that leads a prosperous future for all customers with the spirit of
continuous quality innovation and transparent quality management I promise you that it will be possible.
CEO Cho Hyung-ho